Double jummp junkrat
Double jummp junkrat

double jummp junkrat

We recommend practicing with her in the Practice Range or in Quick Play before taking her into any competitive setting due to how hit-or-miss she is depending on your accuracy. Overall, Ashe is a very strong character if you can hit your shots. Therefore, try to wait until the enemy uses those types of abilities before using B.O.B. Be aware, however, that he can be stunned or slept by enemy players. has 1,200 HP and does good damage, forcing the other team to respect his presence. Ultimate is an excellent way to contest objectives.

  • The Dynamite ability does moderate damage when it explodes and also sets enemies on fire, making it a good ability to use on foes when they're grouped up.
  • The Coach Gun can also be used to reach high ground in a pinch, though this leaves you without it for a few seconds in battle.
  • The Coach Gun ability knocks Ashe backwards while also pushing enemies hit with it away from her, giving her more room to work with.
  • Try and find an angle to get around the shields, or ask teammates to try and forcefully disrupt the enemy position so you can do more damage.
  • Ashe is weak when she's faced with lots of tank shielding.
  • Make sure you aim down the rifle's sights for maximum damage, too. Her Viper rifle does heavy damage on critical hits, and having a good vantage point will help you hit them.
  • Ashe is strong from high ground positions since they give her a better view of the battlefield.
  • Ashe is a great choice for people who are good at picking foes off at a distance, though notably, she struggles to fight in close-quarters.

    double jummp junkrat

    Source: Blizzard Entertainment (Image credit: Source: Blizzard Entertainment)Īshe is a crackshot mid-ranged damage hero that excels at dishing out heavy damage with headshots.

    double jummp junkrat

    If a friendly Ana sleeps someone, don't wake them up unless you know you can secure the kill. Also, make sure to be wary of players tranquilised by sleep darts, as any form of damage will awaken drowsy foes. As a lightweight character, it only takes a few shots from offensive heroes to knock Ana down. When playing as Ana, make sure to watch out for fast approaching enemies. Make sure to hold back this ability until a crucial moment in combat. The ult grants faster movement, higher damage, more damage resistance, and a huge burst of healing. Ana's Ultimate, Nano Boost, adds to her support skillset, allowing her to buff one teammate for a limited amount of time.Generally, good targets for Sleep Dart are enemy tanks and enemy damage heroes who are using their Ultimate. Ana's Sleep Dart ability is a fantastic tool for shutting down enemy Ultimates or making it easier for your teammates to land their own.When combat is building up around choke points on the map, use these weapons to not only help your team but also push back the enemy. With the ability to heal allies and damage foes simultaneously, these two weapons are a great combo in more chaotic encounters. The Biotic Rifle and Biotic Grenades are the most versatile components of Ana's loadout.Damage and healing stats don't change between these modes. When zoomed-out, projectiles will have travel time, requiring a little more planning per shot. When zoomed-in, the rifle fires hitscan projectiles, which essentially have no travel time and land where you've chosen to aim. These modes change the weapon's projectiles, depending on whether the rifle is zoomed-in or zoomed-out. Ana's main weapon, her Biotic Rifle, has two different firing modes.Make sure to avoid getting focused on either playstyle and adapt your approach depending on the situation. Ana's abilities allow her to deal heavy damage and dish out strong health regeneration, making for an interesting gameplay dynamic.With limited health and long-range abilities, she needs to hang back from the action. Like Overwatch's other sniper heroes, Ana is best utilized when kept away from the front line.

    Double jummp junkrat